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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres


I cannot tell you how excited I am to share this post. I never would have believed I would be excited to share a post about yoga. I've always been intrigued by yoga. I've always wanted to try it. I've even borrowed DVD's from people or checked them out of the library and I have never even gotten through the first day with any of them. Years ago I won a yoga mat in a different fitness challenge and last week I took the tags off that baby and rolled it out. I HAVE to get back to being physically active after my surgery and I can't do anything high impact or stressful to my foot. My doctor does want me doing things that will push my foot through range of motion so I thought - I'll do yoga! It's just stretching.

Now, in your best angry and shocked voice say, "the hell it is!" The very first day doing some of the very basic poses I was like, "OH MY GOD - why am I shaking through this pose." Then came the stretches. One especially where she stood and did a forward fold, placing her hands on the floor and mine came to just below my knees. lol. Apparently I am not in the least bit flexible. I enjoyed every single second as I laughed my way through some of it, mostly at myself and how far I had to go. I broke a light sweat, but nothing that had me dripping or smelly so it was a great way to wake up. My anxiety loved her calm voice and wonderful explanations as she talked me through breathing and the movements clearly. She even offers alternatives for those of us with restrictions or disabilities. I loved it. I finished the first day and have now come back for 8 more days (just finished day 9).

I'm going to continue to gush a little here. This is THE yoga series if you are just starting. She teaches you the poses slowly and explains every bit of what every part of your body should be doing in a clear manner. The days build on each other and some of the newer moves are definitely more challenging now that I'm on day 9 but rest and recovery days are also built in. I LOVE the meditation as I have plenty of practice in that, but even a newbie to the meditation and breathing will understand and get it. You cannot help feeling better at the end of the 30 minutes.

What I'm noticing:

Prior to yoga, I have had pretty awful sciatic pain. I can't even ride in a car for an hour or sit in a chair for that long without being in pain. I can feel these exercises and stretches working to HEAL me. I don't have high hopes that it will go away completely. But it is already helping. I have tried the normal stretches. Yoga brings new stretches in that target different muscle groups differently and oh my goodness does it not feel amazing.

I'm getting a teeny tiny bit more flexible. I can feel myself breathing into the stretch a little more every time. I know it will take weeks to change my body, but I finally feel like I'm doing something about it instead of just wishing it would get better. My arms, legs, back, hips, you name it - I'm stretching areas that have been giving me problems for a long time. My foot is also getting better and my range of motion in my big toe is SLOWLY improving. I'm so impatient but I'm trying to take joy in the small strides.

I'm really one sided after being off my left foot for so long. Stretches and exercises that I can do with just some effort on my right are nearly impossible on my left. There is a visual muscle difference in size from my right to my left. I have a lot of work to do to fix my lopsidedness. But Julia Marie talks you through not being able to complete moves but yet also challenges you to push through one more rep. I can't wait to feel like I have the left side back on track.

This video is a fast 30 minutes that whips by. And then at the end she gives additional weight loss tips from eating better/right to explaining what other exercises to add into your yoga routine. I love starting my day with this video, but it would be fantastic any time of the day. If I had the time/ability, it would be a great mid-afternoon "pick a person up" kind of video as well.

I love this video so much that I'm already planning to start it over again when the first 30 days are up or continue with her next video called "Power Up". If you're looking for a nice gift for me - I'll take this yoga series please. :)

I'm watching the first 30 day challenge free on Amazon Prime, but I found the exact video series on youtube - also free! If you have ever been interested in trying yoga, give it a try! I don't think you will be disappointed. Don't take my word for it - read the comments under her videos (especially the last one). I'm not the only one who is hooked on yoga with Julia Marie.

Yoga started as kind of an overall package for me for the new year. I gave up coffee in November and pop in December (other than I allow it as a treat when we go out to eat). After the new year I've been doing my best to limit my sugar intake too. Even fake sugar additives. No more bowls of candy on the counter, it's roasted almonds instead. I've tried to limit the pills and things and gone more holistic with oils and alternative medicine. I'm trying to be healthier in my every day life. If you're on a wellness journey, let's talk!

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