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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

Fashion trends that need to die...

There are so many fashion trends that come and go in every day life. Ask any of us that survived our teen years in the '90s about tight rolling our jeans or wearing our sweatshirts two sizes two big and inside out. Thank goodness many of those faded into the sunset along the ways of zumbaz, MC Hammer pants, Starter jackets and so many others.

Horse folks have fashion trends too. Not just in what people wear. I remember when the girls started showing and you would wear these skin tight/spandex shirts with designs on them. The other thing that changes though - what the horse wears. Colors of tack come and go; black, light oil, dark oil, etc... and saddle pads. I have a giant tote full of every shade of solid saddle pads. Unfortunately those are out of style and patterned pads are all the rage now. I guess I have a whole tote of dog crate pads or something.

However, through it all... there is a fashion trend that I wish would fade into the sunset and disappear forever. Not because it is unattractive. I can't disagree that it is pretty. I think because we have associated it with beautiful models and figures so long that we associate it with beauty. But I would love to change that perception. It has been around for so long it would take a real change of heart. Unpopular opinion here I'm sure - but tan skin needs to go. I have my reasons that are a little like sour grapes but also a little more like people should make healthy choices.

Reason #1: People cannot choose the color of their skin. This should be obvious from the struggles over the many many years of our country. But even within shades of a color - you just don't have the control over it that some people think you do. It happened just recently at a horse show. Someone felt the need to make fun of how "white" Sophie was. It isn't the first time I've heard someone make fun of her "white" skin. An older gentleman at the restaurant we work at once made fun of her white legs. He told her she needed to get some sun. It took all my restraint not to come across the bar at him. First of all you're talking to a child that virtually lives outside being told to get some sun. Second of all, stop looking at my teen daughter's legs, you creeper.

Every time I hear it, it never fails to rub me the wrong way. When will we stop ridiculing things that people don't have control over? Sophie has my skin. We could literally lay out for hours and might get a pretty shade of pink or maybe a peachy color. I remember as a teen myself, putting the baby oil on and "laying out" trying to get the gorgeous deep tans that so many of my classmates and friends had. But Sophie and I are natural freckled redheads. We will never be a deep bronze color. It isn't genetically, physically possible. Even more so, you know what... it isn't healthy.

Which brings me to second reason. Reason #2: Skin cancer - melanoma. In this day and age when everyone is concentrating so much on making healthy choices, why is tan still "in"?? Skin cancer runs in my family. I can name several family members that have had spots removed on both sides. I preach to both of my kids all the time - sunscreen and cover up. DO not let yourself burn. Stay out of the sun if possible. They are probably sick of it, but I do not care. I don't understand how we live in a time when people won't travel 15 minutes without a $70 water bottle in fear of dehydrating; but will not put on sunscreen or think they need to get as brown as possible every summer.

Reason #3: We own and ride horses - you don't wear shorts and sandals to ride horses or throw hay bales. Well, we don't. I know some people do and I have never understood that from a comfort and safety stance if nothing else. So yeah, we spend a lot of time in breeches or jeans. We do wear tank tops but again - sunscreen....

I'm not going to badger this point but tan needs to go. Let's go back to sunbonnets. Or even medieval times when white was a fashion statement. Hey - medieval times also thought plump was gorgeous. That could make a comeback for me personally. I would be ready to rock the world in 1400....

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