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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

I'm So Lucky

Full disclosure: I actually started this blog a few days ago and am finally wrapping it up today. Today it was "only" -13 when I did chores.

Today I got to thinking. Today as I put on my scarf (wrapped 3 times around my head and neck), insulated Carhart jacket, sweatshirt, sweatpants, snow pants, warm socks, gloves with liners, stocking cap, and head lamp to go out to do chores; I got to thinking about how lucky I am. Today as the ambient (I hate that I know that word) temperature was -18 when I did chores, I was desperately trying to find a positive. I decided that despite all of the trials and struggles, I am lucky because I get to have my horses in my backyard. I could not afford full board on one horse, much less our little herd. I am truly blessed to have a herd of 8 top notch, show quality ponies that belong to me and I get to see them every single day (twice a day). There are days however where I do forget how “lucky” I am.

Non horse people, who love the IDEA of horses, often tell me I’m lucky. Usually I can agree with them. But there are days when I don’t feel so lucky. Days like…

...when I’m dressed to go somewhere and the horses get out.

...when the water freezes/tank heaters fail and I have to chip and knock ice out of tanks.

...when the load of 200 50 lb square bales gets delivered and it is 105 with the heat index.

...when fencing needs to be fixed. Every time fencing needs to be fixed. No matter the weather, that job sucks.

… when I have to write the check to the vet, farrier, hay guy, or feed guy.

...literally every time I go to work at my second job that helps pay for my horse addiction.

...when I've worked 30 days in a row without a day off.

...when I have to shovel poop or snow or sand or….

...when tack needs cleaning and oiling.

...when my impatient mare paws at the gate and breaks the hinge off.

...when I get dumped and splat on the ground. Old people splat.

...when a pony gets hurt.

...when a pony gets sick.

...when I haul water and end up with more on myself than in the bucket.

...when a ton (a literal ton) of grain needs to be unloaded.

...when bathing a pony and the water runs down your arm and into your armpit.

...when treating a pony for an eye injury, or a foot injury or trying to get them to eat something they don’t want to eat.

...when I cannot figure out or how to fix an issue with training.

...when I see vacation pictures my friends post.

….and lately - any time I’m doing chores below 20 degrees and my fingers have gone numb.

Anyone who has a herd of their own (goats, cows, horses, no matter) can relate to what I'm saying. We don't do this for the days when it is hard, we do it for the days when it is 70 degrees, sunshine and the ponies are good boys and girls. Those days make up for all the other days. Maybe we are lucky that humans have short memories? This human anyway.

Here's what non horse people can take away from this. We aren't just "lucky" to have our horses. It's a lot of hard work, sweat, tears, and struggle. I had someone ask to have their daughter come ride with me one time because she loved horses so. When I suggested that they get her a horse she snapped back that there was just no way THEY could afford to own a horse. Oh you can afford it. It's all a matter of how hard you want to work at it and what you're willing to give up. Vacations, cabins on the lake, the boat, the snowmobile, the shopping at designer stores, the weekends on the couch... if you're willing to give those things up - you can afford it.

I'm willing to give it up and luckily, (there's that word again) my husband is willing to come along for the ride with me. Truly I don't mind sharing my horses/ponies with others either. I love watching the littles' faces light up when they get to be close to the ponies. But please, remember the sacrifice that goes into our daily lives. We are "lucky", but we also work damn hard.

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