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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

I'm Tired

I'm Tired. I know that I get this way every winter, but I sure feel like it came a lot faster this year. So many things have made winter easier this year. One big one - automatic waterers. I truly had no idea the joy that those waterers would bring me. It is amazing not to have to drag out the 5 gallon pail of expandable hoses every other day and fill stock tanks. Then on days it was super cold the hoses would freeze solid before all the tanks were filled and we had to thaw them and go back out to finish filling. Gross. It is fantastic not to worry about young horses (cough *Reba* cough) screwing around with the stock tank heaters and getting electrocuted. I'm super thankful we have the auto waterers this year. I'm also thankful for the new hay feeders that Tim built. It's nice to be able to just pitch hay up into the feeders instead of trying to stuff hay nets. So much faster and less "pokey". Chores have gone so much better this winter already. But we don't truly even have snow yet so....

Man, I am still tired. Each day I get home from work and have to talk myself into going out to do chores. I do not dare sit down and rest for even a couple minutes because that turns into half an hour, hour and maybe I even snatch a quick nap. So it's change and get out right away before I run out of energy. Then as I wrap up chores I have to really convince myself to get ponies out and start working with them. Of course it doesn't help that by the time chores are done it is nearly completely dark out at 5:00. (Thank you daylight savings time! - And yes I know it is actually standard time that I hate and I wish it would stay daylight savings time forever and ever.)

We have 5 projects - FIVE. I know Pepper isn't much of a project any more but she still needs riding and finishing so it counts. And that's five not counting Nugget who really should come in and be refreshed on his in hand training and started under saddle. It's that time. I know he's tiny but he's getting thicker all the time and has a lot of ground work to do. By the time we get through the first pony or two I'm exhausted. Libby has been able to help out but she's heading back to college next semester (yay Libby!!!) so it will just be Sophie and I (and with Sophie's schedule, many days that's just me.) It's been a tough decision but some of the projects need to go. I can't ask Sophie to part with another project, she was gracious enough to sell Scoopie. So one of my projects has to be put on the list.

Miss Smoothie is looking for her new home. If you're a faithful follower of the blog or my page, you know that she has come so far in just 60 days. She isn't perfect, she has a lot of work to do yet, but she is making great strides. I love that I got to put the first ride on her. I love that she has shown she can be chill under saddle and is one of the least spooky youngsters under saddle we have started. I love that she has the cutest expression when she's being ridden. She still has her moments where she is scared or reactive - but oddly enough, they are all when her humans are on the ground. She still doesn't like to be caught and will walk or trot away from me for a few minutes before facing me and giving up. But she is ready to be pushed on to the next level. She needs a new family that doesn't have a long list of projects to do just that.

Smoothie is chestnut and homozygous for the LP color so can be crossed on any solid AQHA or ApHC and still produce the characteristics and color necessary for full show rights in POA. She is also the perfect size to cross on a smaller AQHA at only 52 1/2" herself. I love her hunter movement and if we keep her I would love to see her crossed on a western horse (reining or pleasure) to make an all around pony. She could make a wicked cool reiner - I wish I knew more about that market and discipline. If she is still here this spring, we may find her the perfect stallion ourselves. Hmmm....

Smoothie is negative for the 5 panel tests of genetic diseases by parentage, except may carry one copy of HERDA since her sire does. We would look for HERDA negative stallions so it isn't a big concern for us and many breeders. The HERDA test is only $40 so it would be fairly simple to get her panel back for sure as well if found a HERDA positive stallion that we love. There are plenty of them on my love list....

Okay folks - before I talk myself into keeping her..... who needs a pony? I really need to find her a home so that I can free up a spot to keep a baby coming in 2023. I mean, at least one of the 5 is going to have to be a filly, right? I also don't need another broodmare, Tim would divorce me if we had 6 babies coming in 2024. Five is pushing his limits. So before I start buying stallion services to breed to Smoothie - save me from my hoarding! It's a real problem I have. I'm determined to be better about it moving forward. You can help me by opening your heart and home to Smoothie.

Come on. Who can resist this face?

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