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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

Night Blind Nugget

Every homozygous Lp (Lp/Lp) Appaloosa or POA is what some call “night blind”. It means they are affected by CSNB or cogenital stationary night blindness. This means that (to varying degrees according to some)- they don’t see at night and also struggle to have their eyes adjust to rapid changes in light. Example: going from a sunny outside to a dimly lit indoor. I did do a blog on CSNB a couple of years ago but it's probably buried.

I feel... and this is a personal opinion so take that with a grain of salt, that because of genetic testing we are going to have more and more ponies with CSNB because we are going to have more and more homozygous ponies. This is because solid colored ponies are not given "show" privileges in POA. Therefore everyone is breeding for guaranteed color and this increases the chances of homozygous ponies tremendously. That said...

We have had several homozygous ponies here and it really isn’t a big deal to manage. They have it from birth so have adjusted to it. To be honest, you don’t really even remember they have it except for a couple things. 1. New or night time pasture situations- they need to learn where fence lines are during the day time or they can run into/bump into fences at night. We recommend keeping them in secure fencing without dangers at night. 2. Some need a little help at show location or situation where you go into a dimly lit indoor after being outside. Example: Pepper hesitates or struggles a little riding into an arena situation like West Salem or New Castle, IN. In both of those situations you go from the brightly lit outside into a dimly lit indoor. Even our indoor, we allow her a few minutes of brushing time for her eyes to adjust.

I honestly thought it was hocus pocus at one point. We had Pepper, Invy and Charlie - all homozygous and they did just fine. In fact, one night I went out in the pitch dark (before we had the yard lights) and they all came running up to the fence to greet me. I was petting them and remarked that obviously they must be able to see or how else would they have heard me and been able to come right up to the fence. Then I took my hand and swung it towards their eyes. None of them flinched or even blinked. They had no idea it was even there. They were just that adjusted to their surroundings that they were fine maneuvering around their dry lot blind.

That said… we now have yard lights on all our night time dry lots- mostly so that I can see to do chores in the mornings, but it also helps our homozygous ponies see obstacles, fencelines and the other ponies. However, this morning I was reminded that Nugget is night blind and that we are currently under construction.

Because their dry lots have a large shed being built, they are currently fenced out of them. This morning Cher and Stitch were sleeping next to the hay feeder by their dry lot and no Nugget to be found. I called for him. Nothing. I fed hay thinking he would hear me and come running. I swear those ponies can hear the chain rattle on the dry lot gates from a hundred miles away. Nothing. None of the other ponies seemed concerned but I became very concerned. Nugget always greets me and would never leave the entire herd to go off by himself. I hollered for Juju (I’m no crazy person going off in the dark without my trusty dog) and turned my flashlight on.

Once I got out to the back 4 acres I found him standing at the gate; the gate that hasn’t been shut in 3 months but because he couldn’t see- he wasn’t taking any chances. I’m not sure if his seeing friends came down without him while he slept or what. But he was effectively “locked” in the back pasture until I came out to rescue him. He was snorting and blowing in fear but came to my voice. I used my flashlight to show him the gate was down, told him it was okay and that’s all it took. Through the gate he went, picking his way around trees and bushes that he seemed to know were there and back down to his buddies and breakfast he went. He immediately started eating and seemed no worse for his nighttime adventures. Poor little Nuggie. Need to get his shed done so he can sleep in peace!

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