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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

"Sit a beat"

This blog post brings a smile to my face because it makes me think of one of my favorite people. I'm not going to share his name, but he can choose to "out" himself if he so chooses. I met him and his family several years ago when we started showing POA and we have been friends ever since. My oldest was the same as his oldest, my youngest the same age as his youngest, and as POA families tend to do, they became friends. It helped when we moved and all of sudden we shared a love for ponies AND a school district. Anyway, I digress.

This show dad used to make me laugh and laugh when he would make fun of us show moms. (Well he still does, but that's not the point.). One of the things he would make fun of us for was when we would help the littles from the rail and of course, always always always with their diagonals. If they were on the wrong diagonal some of the show moms would tell their kids to "sit a beat". Then they could rise again and be on the correct diagonal. Still today he teases me when we are showing together saying "sit a beat" and bringing piles of giggles. But I can't help but think, especially in these anxiety ridden times, that the advice to "sit a beat" is more valuable than ever.

Sit a beat could apply to so may things. Right now, with the current political climate in our country, the pandemic and the holidays I find myself reminding myself to sit a beat more and more often.

Sit a beat - pause before I send that frustrated text or email. Things aren't always as serious as they seem.

Sit a beat - stop worrying about things that are out of my control. Control the controllables.

Sit a beat - wait a day before clicking buy - retail therapy is only good for the independently wealthy and that isn't me.

Sit a beat - be patient with myself, I'm trying and doing the best I can.

Sit a beat - remember they are my friends, my family and they are scared too.

Sit a beat - it will be okay and we will be stronger in the long run.

Sit a beat - and breathe.

See "sit a beat" is excellent advice. If only we could all just sit a beat a few more times a day and be a little kinder, a little slower to react, a little less angry. You can learn a lot from a show mom.

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