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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

Thank you isn't enough

Today I got an email. In that email was an invite to attend the National POA convention to receive my year end award for 2021. I've never even been close to being eligible for a year end award. I've never even dreamed of a year end award. Not to take away from those who have earned them in the past, but year end awards are typically won by folks who can afford to haul and show a LOT. We were only able to show in one state show circuit and the Congress. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. Breed shows aren't cheap and Congress was definitely a huge expense when you consider lost wages, travel costs, etc... I'm proud of what we were able to do. But winning a year end award after attending only those 5 show weekends is something I never dreamed of.

Elsie and I were second overall in the nation for the non pro walk trot division. I don't know why I keep being surprised to see her name in the point standings. This big pony who was barely broke in August of her 2 year old year just keeps shocking me with the performance she puts on in the show pen. If I had a dollar for every time I've said "this class/pattern is going to be a disaster" only to have her step into the ring and knock it out of the park, well - I'd have a few extra dollars I would probably just spend on entry fees. Next year we plan to try some new challenges which will truly be a challenge since she's had the winter off due to my foot surgery. I don't even care. She's already made so many of my dreams come true: Futurity placings and championships, Regional championships, high point buckles and awards and even a Congress championship, reserve and over all reserve high point. If I never win another class, I will ride the high of 2021 for a long time.

As soon as I got the email, I messaged Tim to tell him and to thank him for making all my dreams possible. He, of course, shrugged it off saying that it was my hard work and dedication that made it possible. While I appreciate him saying that, and it was a lot of hard work, it truly was thanks to him. Before I met Tim my goals of showing at a Congress level show or even being able to breed show again were so far out of reach they might as well have been stars in another galaxy. I couldn't afford the ponies, the truck and trailer, the classes or even the place to keep them. I had goals with no chance of achieving them.

Since meeting Tim he has helped me buy better ponies, buy a better truck and trailer, be able to afford training/clinics and be able to afford the classes at the big shows. He was determined as we looked for our dream farm not to settle for a place without a space for an indoor. Once we bought that farm he stepped outside his comfort zone and built stalls and the indoor and has since build sheds, feeders, you name it. He has done chores, hauled hay, hauled grain, moved/fixed fences, carried foals, held mares, I can't even begin to list the things that he has done to help me move closer to my goals. And that is just at home. He also drives us to the shows, parks and levels the camper, sets up stalls, helps wash, helps feed, helps hold ponies and of course, writes that check at the end. He also is the best coach, tear drier, hugger in the world. When all my pieces are flying apart, one hug from Tim stitches me all back together. When I say we couldn't do this without him, I'm not just trying to make him feel good. I'm being dead honest. I do not know where we would be without him, but it wouldn't be winning a year end POAC award. That is something I do know. Thank you just doesn't seem like enough to express how much I am grateful for this man in our lives.

So while I am beyond thankful to Tim, I also have to thank others who made these accomplishments possible. Thank you Meg for selling us Elsie in the first place. I still can't believe that unicorn is all mine. As sassy as she can be, I wouldn't trade her for anything. Thank you to Taylor for the outstanding start she put on Elsie. Elsie had all the foundation to be a knockout show pony from the beginning. Thank you to Sophie - my best pony show pal who is always there to tell me to go in there and get it, tell me when I get the wrong lead, or just tell me "it looks good - relax". (Not that I ever can do that - but I try) Thank you to Libby for taking care of the critters at home and coming to support us at the shows. Thank you to Carter for doing chores. Thank you to everyone at the shows who is always there with a kind word, a reminder, a number check, chaps down, hold a pony, you name it. None of our goals would be possible without our wonderful community.

Lastly, and I'm truly sorry this has gotten so long, I want to take a second and congratulate our Berry Sweet family on their success this year in the national point standings.

******Congrats Sophie and Dutch Mercy on their 2nd place finish in the small mare division. They were only able to attend half as many shows as the mare that finished first. So proud of them!

******Congrats to Boogie and both of his owners; Kelly and Kelie on his 4th place finish in the yearling geldings.

******Congrats to Dutch Major Cutie and their 3rd place finish in Walk Trot 9 and under Western Pleasure, 2nd in Walk Trot 9 and under Hunter Under Saddle and 6th in Hunter in Hand 18 and under.

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