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Writer's pictureberrysweetacres

Things that aren't true for $100

The blog about the Minnesota flag got me fired up about some other things that people post on social media that simply aren't true. These aren't the once in a blue moon kind of posts, but things I see over and over again - year after year.

  1. Let's start with a holiday themed one...Literally no one cares if you say Merry Christmas. You can slather it all over your house. You can write it on your lawn in lights, you can say it to everyone you meet, you can put it on your Christmas cards... go right ahead. Some businesses CHOOSE to say Happy Holidays to include all of their clientele and not just the Christians. They aren't saying you can't say it - they just choose to be more inclusive. I have Muslim friends and atheist friends. I've told them Merry Christmas and they always respond KINDLY. Maybe not by saying Merry Christmas back - but it has never been a big deal. They truly do not care if I say it. No one cares if you say it. Stop making a fight where there isn't one. Please.

  2. School children still say the Pledge of Allegiance. Some schools every day. Some every week. It's a part of our announcements. We say it every day. Please stop posting that schools don't do it any more.

  3. Our country was not meant to be founded on the Christian religion. Even in the Declaration, the founding fathers were careful to say "endowed by their creator" - not GOD, but creator - to include other belief systems. Our founders were careful to make sure that there was a separation of church and state, not a union. They had seen and learned about countries literally tearing themselves apart over differing religious views and did not want that for their new country. They had seen the persecution of those that believed differently and made every effort to keep GOD out of the Constitution. Many of the ways we see God in our government were added much after the founders, or things that presidents said or did that just became a precedent. Please stop saying our country is a Christian country. It is not.

  4. Democrats don't want your guns. They aren't trying to outlaw all guns. They don't want to go door to door collecting your guns. They want to stop the sale of weapons that can rapid fire hundreds of rounds to just anyone. Accurate. They want to make it more difficult for criminals and psychos to purchase weapons through licensing and tracking serial numbers of weapons. Also correct. I honestly thought that was how gun sales were in the whole country after working at our annual wildlife banquet. We would raffle guns and then people would have to wait to pass the background check to get their gun. Then I went to AZ and saw people buying them from a guy's table at a flea market. It was terrifying.

  5. Prayer is allowed in schools. Any time. Your child wants to pray before they eat their lunch, take a test or get on the bus - go for it. Your child wants to talk about God, their religion or their beliefs. Okay dokay. The only thing we frown on is making others feel like they can't pray to a different God or practice a different religion or that they have to join you. All are welcome to believe what they want to believe. Pray away. I know there are days I talk to God in school. My students don't even know I'm doing it.

  6. Schools should not be teaching basic life skills. That's what parents are for. Do you job. Teach your child to change a tire, sew on a button, make spaghetti, etc... If you don't and want them to learn from the school of life, then point them towards Tik Tok and YouTube. There are a couple of really awesome dads that are making life skill tutorials for kids whose own parents didn't step up to the job. Schools have enough to do with cramming as much knowledge in as we can. You have your child 3 months out of the year, maybe half an hour a day isn't too much to spend with them learning a new skill?

  7. Liberals don't want to give lazy people money. Liberals don't want to take your money and give it to lazy people. Liberals don't want to get the same amount as others without working. We want to be kind and help those who have been hurt, stepped on, beat up, etc... pick themselves up and get back on track. You know - like JESUS would have. (Not to bring Christianity into it or anything...)

I've literally had this blog sitting here, working on it for a couple of months now. I could add things but maybe that's for a second blog. For the love of whatever god you believe in, stop posting crap on social media before fact checking. Stop sharing things to create division that are not true. Maybe if it makes you angry, that's a good sign to check and see if it's true.

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